Using the Advanced Scientific Online Calculator
- The display area at the top shows the current expression or result of calculations.
Scientific Functions
- These functions are useful for advanced mathematical operations.
- Click on any scientific function button to add it to the expression in the display area.
Available Scientific Functions:
- Square Root (√): Calculates the square root of a number.
- Exponential (x^): Raises a number to a specified power.
- Sine (sin), Cosine (cos), and Tangent (tan): Calculate trigonometric values.
- Natural Logarithm (log): Calculates the natural logarithm of a number.
- Exponential Function (exp): Calculates the value of e raised to the power of a number.
- Absolute Value (|x|): Returns the absolute value of a number.
- Floor, Ceiling, and Round: Perform mathematical rounding operations.
- π (Pi): Represents the mathematical constant π.
- e (Euler’s Number): Represents the mathematical constant e.
Basic Math Functions
- These functions cover basic arithmetic operations and parentheses for grouping expressions.
- Click on any button to add it to the expression in the display area.
Available Basic Math Functions:
- Numbers (0-9): Click on any number button to add it to the expression.
- Parentheses ( ): Use parentheses for grouping expressions.
- Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/): Perform basic arithmetic operations.
Memory Functions
- These functions allow you to store, recall, and manipulate values in memory.
- Memory functions operate on the last calculated result or the current expression.
Available Memory Functions:
- Memory Plus (M+): Adds the last calculated result or current expression to memory.
- Memory Recall (MR): Inserts the value stored in memory into the current expression.
- Memory Clear (MC): Clears the value stored in memory.
- Memory Add (M): Adds the value stored in memory to the current expression.
Other Functions Scientific Online Calculator
- These additional functions provide utilities for editing expressions and performing calculations.
Additional Functions:
- Backspace (←): Deletes the last character in the expression.
- Clear (C): Clears the entire expression from the display.
- Equal (=): Calculates the result of the expression and displays it in the display area.
Example Usage Scientific Online Calculator
- To calculate the square root of a number, click on the √ button, then enter the number and press the = button.
- To perform trigonometric operations, click on the sin, cos, or tan buttons, enter the angle, and press = to get the result.
- To store a value in memory, perform a calculation, then click on M+ to store the result.
- To recall the value stored in memory, click on MR, and the value will be inserted into the expression.
- Use parentheses to group expressions and perform complex calculations.